Co-hosted by the California Urban Forests Council & the Urban Wood Network
Dr. Matt Ritter
Botanist, author, and professor, Dr. Matt Ritter has been working with us on our CIRCLE4.0 grant, looking at underutilized species that could become great urban trees. As a scientific author, his publications attempt to foster a sense of appreciation for California’s unique flora. Many of us have a copy of A Californian’s Guide to the Trees Among Us and California Plants: A Guide to our Iconic Flora, on our shelves. This session examines what tree species could become great urban trees in different regions around California with the changes to our climate.
Connect with municipal arborists, urban forest managers, urban wood enthusiasts, landscape design professionals, planners, and non-profits from across California for this unique educational and networking experience held online this October.
Join the virtual sessions to gain insights, strategies, and inspiration designed exclusively for the urban forest and urban wood sector.